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General conditions
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Conditions of Registration Summer Adventure.
Everyone between 8 and 17 years old (both included, as long as they are under 18 years old during the whole activity) can participate. Places are limited and will be allocated in order of registration.
2. The activity will not take place without the minimum number of participants. In this case, the organization may suspend the activity, reimbursing each participant the full amount paid.
3. The participant, their parents and guardians agree to comply with and respect the rules and regulations established by the Camp in order to ensure the health, safety, welfare and healthy coexistence of all campers.
4. It is guaranteed by those responsible for the minor participant that all information provided to The Wild Ones is true. And assume that participation in the activity implies acceptance of the general conditions detailed in this document.
5. The Wild Ones reserves the right to change the scheduled dates, the place of development of the activity, when they occur due to force majeure beyond its control. It also reserves the right of admission of any camper.
6. The fee includes lodging and full board, use of the facilities and sports and educational material, the team leaders and insurance.
7. The Wild Ones, acts only as a mediator with the transport companies, so it is not responsible for possible delays, alterations, accidents or loss of luggage.
8. The use of cell phones in the Camp is PROHIBITED. There will be certain days on which calls will be made as scheduled by the coordinators of each camp.
9. Families will not be allowed to visit their children during the camp.
10. It is mandatory for each participant to provide a public or private health insurance card or document.
11. If any participant suffers any illness, accident, or simply does not feel well, we will contact the family members to inform them and take the necessary measures.
12. Parents or guardians of the participants, by signing the Registration Form and the Medical Card, authorize the team responsible, so that in case of emergency, with medical knowledge and prescription, they can take the appropriate decisions in case of accident or illness.
13. In case of not being able to contact those legally responsible and needing a surgical intervention due to extreme urgency, the indications legally required by the medical responsible of the health center or hospital will be followed with the consequent written record. For its part, the team of monitors, undertakes to inform the guardians of the participant what happened, in the shortest possible time, as well as to transfer all documentation generated by the medical service.
14. If any participant has to take medication, the camp leaders must be notified. Likewise, the amount necessary for its use during the entire shift must be delivered along with a medical report or original signed flyer with identification of the member, where it is specified that for those days the medication must be provided with the amount to be supplied daily to the participant.
15. There may be different discount coupons offered to different groups, but several discounts may never be accumulated.
16. As a reservation fee, 150 € per shift and camper will be considered (including management fees) which will not be refunded in any case and as for the rest of the total amount paid, it will be refunded according to the date of the cancellation request. This part will be refunded in full up to 45 days before the beginning of the camp; 70% up to 25 days before and 30% up to 15 days before; after this date nothing will be refunded. In the event that a student is picked up for any reason during the camp, no refund will be made.
17. The use of cell phones, tablets, consoles, photo or video cameras or similar is forbidden in the camp.
18. In accordance with the provisions of Law 15/1999 on Protection of Personal Data, we inform you that the data provided by you regarding the participation of your ward in an activity of our organization, become part of the files, whose purpose is to manage the information of the participants and beneficiaries of the entity. The uses given to the file are: updating the file, registration in the activity, insurance, statistics and those legally established as mandatory depending on the activity to be carried out. These data will be treated with the utmost confidentiality, not making any transfer to third parties. In the case of participating in a program regulated by a Public Administration, with competences in the matter, the required data will be communicated to the competent Units and Public Services for the legally established purposes. We inform you that you can exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition of your data by sending a letter to the Responsible of the Personal Data Files.
19. The legal guardians of the registered minors authorize the use of the images taken of the participants during the Camps to be used only for purposes of advertising, presentation and promotion of the entities.
​20. In any situation in which serious misbehavior occurs on the part of the participant, he/she will be reprimanded. The organization will contact the family members to inform them of the facts.
21. Any participant who does not respect or knowingly fails to comply with the rules and prohibitions, with serious lack of discipline or failure to follow the specific instructions of the monitors repeatedly or seriously, may be expelled from the camp, not being entitled to any refund of the registration fee, without the right to further claim, and without being able to demand any compensation.
22. Travel expenses, if any, shall be borne by the legal guardians, as well as damages to third parties; the participant would return home accompanied by a responsible relative.
23. The costs of repair and / or replacement in case of damage due to improper use of movable property, damage caused to third parties, etc. will be charged to the guardians of the participant, who must pay them directly to The Wild Ones.
24. In case of infectious-contagious disease that may affect the rest of the campers, the guardians of the sick person will be notified so that they can proceed urgently to pick him/her up at the camp. Until the arrival of the guardians, the indications stipulated by the medical service that has assisted the minor will be followed.
25. Complaints received in writing, after the activity, will be dealt with within a period not exceeding 15 days from arrival. In case of litigation, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to you, you submit to the jurisdiction of the courts and tribunals of Valladolid.
26. At the moment of making the payment of the reservation and submitting the REGISTRATION APPLICATION, it is understood that these CONDITIONS OF REGISTRATION have been accepted and understood, and it is also understood that the participant must respect and obey the PARTICIPANT'S COMMITMENT (General Regulations) during his/her stay in our camp.
27. At any time parents or guardians may request a change of shift in their registration as long as there are places available in the requested shift. Since the discounts may be different for each shift, we will apply the discount that was available at the time the registration was made, and may increase or decrease the price.
28. The Wild Ones is not responsible at any time for any material objects that may have been lost or misplaced during the course of the camp.